Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Wisdom Tooth

It was at 11 pm on the Ides of March when her phone rang. While lying on her bed, she answered the call.

“Hi Anna, can we meet next week? We need to work with our report in Theology. It’d be best if we prepare early…and oh, by the way I bought a Latin-English dictionary to help us understand the new supplements,” the caller said.

“Ah, sure we can meet. Um, Giovanni, about your –”

“Damn, my wisdom tooth hurts, and I don’t know if I should have it removed,” he broke in.

“Really? Um, about your personal problem…um, are you okay now?” she asked.

There was long silence. Giovanni sat on his chair beside his bed and stared at the dark sky. He saw the nimbus clouds filling the sky.

“Sort of. I mean –” he said in a soft voice. Giovanni’s eyes expressed sadness. “I still don’t know who I am. I don’t know if I’m fucking Superman who helps, but doesn’t receive any help.”

Anna frowned. She looked outside her window and saw the raindrops starting to fall.

“I save my friends, but they cannot save me from the mist of loneliness. How can I inspire my friends when I know I don’t have any inspiration? I share my wisdom with others, but having it brings much pain in my heart.” he softly said, and his tears started to fall.

“Stop it Gio. Please don’t make it a big deal. Just calm down.”

“How do I calm down?!” he cried out. He sobbed with his tears, but still continued to rant as if he didn’t hear what Anna said. “Someone said that I’m Santa Claus. Hell yeah, he’s right! I always give gifts to the friends I want to give importance, but I don’t feel any in return! I bring out money to treat many friends when I enjoy their company so much, but I don’t know why I do it. I always spare time with them just to listen to their problem, and somehow give possible solutions. Still, I’m the one who experiences pain in the end. Did I lack anything? Tell me!”

“Uh,” she reacted. She felt the depression of Giovanni, for she knew him by heart. She knew that he was a generous and courteous man, but people wouldn’t care see his sincerity. She also knew that he was actually seeking for importance. She thought that for ages, Giovanni had been feeling the need to change his self. He had been searching for true friends who could answer who he is and who he should be.

It was raining so hard. The heavens wept.


The sun gave the coffee shop’s green mermaid beautiful rays.

“Yeah, let’s do this report and give it our best!” he said with high spirit. Giovanni sat down and brought out their Theology draft report and dictionary. “What do gestum and gigno mean? Hmm, here, yeah,” he mumbled while he was turning the pages of the dictionary.

“So Mister Emo is not crazy anymore, eh?” Anna jokingly asked as she laughed.

“Pardon? Haha!” He laughed gleefully.

She raised her left eyebrow while smiling.

“Nah, I guess that night, you gave the best piece of advice,” he said as he remembered what Anna told him that night.

“You experience pain because of a certain reason… Only you yourself can define who you really are. Maybe you need other people to help you, but they are just the motivations for you to change. Plus, the choices that you make define who you really are. You keep on searching for importance, but can’t seem to notice that there are people who give you such. You overlook us. You already have what you want but you seem to aim and hunger for the impossible. It’s your choice to make a change to yourself, and that mere choice will redefine you.”

“How’s your wisdom tooth? You said you had it removed,” she asked.

“My dentist chose not to. Well, it doesn’t hurt anymore. I just had to stand on the pain and wait for it to grow.”

“So, Giovanni, do you have the answer to your question?”

“…of who I am?”

She nodded.

He stared at the dictionary and smiled.


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Chocolate You
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